Gut Instincts Podcast 44 - Q Anon, Reality Links & Opiate Addiction

Gut Instincts Podcast 44 - Q Anon, Reality Links & Opiate Addiction

Q-Anon…. Follow the white Rabbit.. Down the Hole.

As the white Rabbit brings us closer and closer to the truth.. The Allegory of REALITY… Begins to CRUMBLE.

I’ve said this time and time again over the past few years since I devoted myself to God and Light Source..

It’s all Within. Everything is INSIDE. This means it’s Important. We Awaken. To our Power.

This episode we dip our toes slightly into Q-Anon and what it all means. We also toke a little about how it directly relates to our own “Reality” and why it all matters. Or did we get to that point yet? We got a ways to go.

I get pretty personal in this one. Sharing a bit about my Disability with Crohns Disease.. How it has effect my “work life” throughout the last few years .. and how it had led me to an Opiate addiction that I myself. Had to find a cure for.

The real story begins when I looked at Plants.. Just as powerful as Pharmaceuticals. This meant having faith.. That God brought me a plant.. That could help save my life.

This plant… was Cannabis.

Gut Instincts Podcast 45 - Low Carb Confessions, Glycogen & Sugar Structures

Gut Instincts Podcast 45 - Low Carb Confessions, Glycogen & Sugar Structures

Gut Instincts Podcast 43 - Proof of God, Garden Updates & GMO Rants

Gut Instincts Podcast 43 - Proof of God, Garden Updates & GMO Rants