Gut Instincts Podcast #17 - Crohns "Diet", GMOs and Ketosis
Blessings with Love and Light
In this episode of Gut Instincts Podcast, Follow along as we toke with rj about the idea of "diet" being the cause of emotions and our bodies reflection... This one is just the beginning..
The knowledge and aspects behind the Microbial Gut within our system that we have is in its infancy stages. We are here together to research, learn and share our experiences.
RJ had huge benefits when he began to cut " grains " and processed sugars from his diet.. This means the ever so controversial GMOs were slashed as well. How is this related to gut bacteria ? DNA ? Auto Immune Disease and other aspects of our lives?
Pack your bowl... Roll your joint.. Grab your snack.. Get ready for a good one friends